I'm seriously in love with the way you draw Jenners. Got her looks and personality down to a science, man. I can only imagine the conversation she was having with Willow before this dipshit rolled up to the party.
I'm seriously in love with the way you draw Jenners. Got her looks and personality down to a science, man. I can only imagine the conversation she was having with Willow before this dipshit rolled up to the party.
It’s always an honor to draw here, I’m glad that I can do it right for you! As for Willow, I imagine they’re probably talking about black t-shirts and grunge music.
This level of violence actually feels quite right considering the franchise's indie comics roots. Sick picture!
yeah those old tmnt issues were pretty violent XD thank you for the rating Doom
This has the same atmosphere as a cryptid photo, just without the picture clarity taking a huge hit for some not at all suspicious reason. Cool vibe!
Ronin: Mysterious Myth, or Legendary Legend?
I love this piece. Norman Osborn is one of my favorite characters as well, so seeing this tribute to him on here is a real treat. The dramatic lighting in each of these scenes is simple, yet so effective. My favorites have gotta be the Gwen Stacy and Gathering of Five panels. Love the story choices here, most of the big important ones are here and cutting it off around the end of the Dark Reign era was a smart choice. The only way it could be better is if it had a reference to Paul Jenkins' A Death in the Family since that's a personal fave, but I get that you can't include everything.
Fantastic work!
Love the Death in the Family story too, but yeah, the NES resolution I'm accustomed to can only fit so much in. As for cutting off at Dark Reign, I made that choice because, well, that's where the quote I'm using is from the 5-issue Osborn miniseries that I love by a lot. Definitely a must-read for all Osborn enjoyers. Also thank you for your kind words!
While Michael and Freddy are skulking around in the backwoods, Ghostface is also there. You just can't see them since they're currently drowning at the bottom of the lake. Seriously, though, love that background. Great, moody atmosphere captured. Happy to have helped with this, it came out fantastic.
Good thing they’ve got like, six spares. It’s Ghostface Galore out there!
All the same, I’m incredibly thankful for your help with this piece. Couldn’t have done it without you!
Congrats on grads, huge accomplishment! May these next chapters of your life be just as fortuitous, if not even more so.
Thanks so much, my dude! Here's to many, many more.
Damn, bro was executed mid-sentence. Alas!
You already know I'm a big fan of how you drew Carrie, perfectly captured her attitude and personality with a fairly small canvas. The Drac shirt too, god. It's so good. Also, one of two OCs you've meant to draw? Color me interested in seeing the other. Thanks for taking my request.
Also, as a big King Kong fan, I'm thrilled to see you draw the big ape. Solid take on his look. It feels like a good mix of his Monsterverse and Peter Jackson designs.
Such a shame, but I guess that's what happens when you hold a gun to a guy's head.
I'm really glad you are, because she was an absolute pleasure to draw. I went back and forth on what to put on her shirt, since I knew I wanted it to be something funny yet gothic. All in all, capturing her character was a total blast, and it makes me so happy to know that you like how she turned out!
Oh, I love that Green Goblin portrait. Would be sick to see more of your take on him.
Thanks, dude! Gobby is someone who's got a lot of designs to draw from, I've been hesitant to try my hand at it. But it might be the time to give it a shot!
Ahh, yes, the crossover with the simultaneously little known but also infamous '90s Malibu run of Moon's Eye Saga. Thank goodness this happened before the storyline where Ninjiro hung up the mask and The Rival became the newer, edgier Ninjiro (I didn't even know that was a title that could be passed down) with more cyborg parts and a will to KILL. Unfortunately, it is after the issues where Twinjiro became an anti-hero and was promptly replaced with the much maligned Ninjicide.
Seriously, though, I remember being shown previews of this image and being over the moon. That hasn't changed, it's actually SO good. I'm honored to have Ninjiro AND Jennifer included here alongside other dope OCs, including that RONIN. I unironically kinda love that design. The chest symbol, reintegrating the blues, and just look at those pouches. The stark '90s comic shading was also done expertly on him, glorious work. The '90s gets a bad rap for comics, sometimes justifiably, but there was undeniably a lot of good stuff to come out of it too. This is now one of those things. Love it!
Yeah, the whole New Ninjiro arc was a huge misfire—it felt like such a marketing stunt. You can just tell that it was designed with action figure brand deals in mind. Same with “Ninjicide”, there’s a reason he hasn’t been mentioned since. I mean, nobody likes it when a beloved character is ripped away from them and suddenly replaced by a TOTALLY RADICAL and WAY BETTER new character!
Designing the characters through a 90s comic book lens was a really fun exercise, and challenging in interesting ways! Like, Ninjiro himself is almost unchanged from his actual design, he’s just drawn very differently. But Jen and Ronin got an overhaul, and I worked to include as many ridiculous costume details as I could. Especially with RONIN™️—especially with superfluous pouches, straps, and accessories. But I found myself really liking the reimagining of his costume from armor into more of a jumpsuit, I’m really glad you like it too!
This art is way too sick for a game like Mythologies. I seriously love every piece here, spectacular work.
Thank you so much!
He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!
Unabashed Sicko
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