
103 Art Reviews w/ Response

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The colors are so pretty here. The way that red contrasts against the green cityscape background and the way the yellow eyes just pop is so striking.

Skiptoons responds:

Thank you!

Really love the perspective you've got going here, so dynamic. I could totally tell you referenced Ed McGuinness' art even from the thumbnail, but you really made it your own take on a '90s style Deadpool at the same time. Great stuff all around here.

TotallyNotNathan responds:

Hey, thank you, and good eye dude.

Aww, man, I knew Firefly would look cool as hell in your art style but you went above and beyond here. Love the pose chosen, he just looks like he's planning his next bombing with that sinister intent in his eyes. If you ever want to get started on GI Joe, I'd recommend the original Marvel Comics run by Larry Hama. It's much better than you'd think a licensed comic would be. GI Joe Resolute is another great place for beginners. Thanks for taking my request all the same, man.

Outside of him, Tifa might be my favorite of the lot here. There's some major character bias for that, but I feel like you really captured her general attitude quite well here. She also just looks so dang pretty in your style. I'm not much of a RPG guy myself, but I did love FF7 a lot when I played it. The modern ports having fast forward and the ability to turn off random encounters at a whim helped a lot. You can even instantly super buff your party if you just want to experience the story or find yourself trapped in a nigh unwinnable battle like a cornered rat.

Really, I just like this piece in general. Really cool way to celebrate 555 fans.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Aw, you flatter me! I’m glad to hear that I captured a sinister intent, it seemed right based on my impression of him. I’ll have to look into both of those for sure. And thanks for submitting a request in the first place!

Interesting to know, Tifa was probably the one that took me the longest to draw. That also made her one of the most satisfying to finish—especially with feedback like that! I’m also glad to hear that you enjoyed FF7, makes me wonder if I should actually try it at some point lol

Happy to hear that! I wanted it to feel special, and I hope that shows!

Ghostface tripping every 5 minutes is normal, wearing heels or not.

MetaGrif responds:

Very true XD But prolly needs to stop longer to put the heels back on.

yessss, love to see such good art for this smug evil monkey. great work!

DieChance responds:

Tysm!!! Super happy you like it, and thanks a ton for the kind words :D

Making Omega into an upgraded Swatbot is lowkey brilliant. Good stuff!

fish-flop responds:

Hey, thanks! Glad you liked it.

this has got a real dynamic sense of style and posing for something drawn with a mouse. impressive stuff.

bezf0cezf0 responds:

Thanks! I drew as went, starting from the head to the torso and then the limbs.

This is beautiful, I love what you've done here.

My first exposure to Daredevil was the '90s Spider-Man cartoon, as I remember renting the Daredevil vs Spider-Man DVD as kid. He didn't leave too much of an impression at the time, but he's a character I've grown to like as I've been exposed to more media involving him. Not a top favorite, but I'm always happy to see him. In particular, I like what I've read of the Waid & Samnee run and have been meaning to check out more of it.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Thank you so much, I’m pretty proud of this piece, and it seems like a lot of people really like it too!

Ah, seems like you’ve had a similar history with the character as me. I hope that you continue to enjoy that run and others, when Daredevil comics get it right, they’re some of the best the medium has to offer. I do stand by my opinion that the 2011 Waid & Samnee run falls off after the arc with Ikari, but it’s still a great comic. Plus, they did work on Daredevil again in 2014.

oh my god, he's got his own peter out too!

chicknnscratch responds:

we're really getting deep into the peterverse

Of all the conceptual Tankmen characters, this guy was always my favorite. You did a great job drawing him.

I'd honestly bet Jeff scrapped this guy solely because he didn't want to do a British accent.

FletcherEPS responds:

Or it's the opposite: Jeff wanted to use his "German Heritage" card for the Bad Captian, but this dude will be missed :'(

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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