
103 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 360 Reviews

Great designs across the board here, Hivemind and Strangefate stand out the most to me here. Hivemind in particular is a very cool looking amalgamation that takes the most distinct elements of each character and mashes them together in a way that just feels right.

I'll echo the sentiment that Deadeye leans a bit too closely towards Deathstroke, but I really feel you were on the right track with the idea of the bullseye being over his one eye. The way it's done here is a touch too subtle and hard to notice at first glance. I think that maybe a set of thick concentric black circles radiating out from the eye of the helmet itself that then fade into the black half of the helmet would look really striking if done right. Maybe that's just an idea that sounds better in my head, though.

Overall, though, I still really like what you did here and it'd be cool to see you do more if ya want.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Good to know that these work, especially those two! Hivemind seems to be the breakout hit, which I’m pretty pleased about.

You and the others who’ve raised these points are right—should I ever draw him again, I’ll implement more of Bullseye in the design. Pushing the eye detail is a great idea!

I’m glad you like these so much, I hope to make more art in this vein again soon.

I was hoping to see a post like this before the season was through, it's always fun to see what you dress your OCs up as. I think of all of these, June as Samus might be my favorite. Perhaps that's just the fact I'm a bit of a Metroid fan, but the look definitely suits her.

Find it funny how Lucas and her are both dressed as video game characters known for their arm cannons. Arm cannons must be the big trend this year.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

It’s tradition at this point—I always do my best to post art of my OCs in costume on Halloween! June seems like the one people are connecting with most, and I can’t say I don’t get it lol

What can I say, get that bitch an (arm) cannon. Bitches love (arm) cannons.

The detail crammed into this image is CRAZY, this must've taken forever to plan out and draw. So many fun cameos and nods. Very impressive work. Nerine and Blok's costumes look adorable and that second image only adds to that.

Also YESSSSSS Ninjiro and Jennifer dressed as Shredder and Karai, that's so GOOD. I love it! You are my GOAT, Shok. I don't know if that's an intentional reference to that Shredder request you did for me way back when, but if it is, that's major attention to detail and know it hasn't gone unappreciated.

TheShokBlok responds:

Hehe I just thought that Ninjiro dressed as shredder made too much sense (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)

Evil-doers everywhere better beware El-Tigre's baja blast.

SmoothE responds:

his trademark move....

hes just a little guy...

Kunaigirl responds:

Just a tiny nugget!

Oh, that is Dylan! I am so far behind on current Venom comics that I forgot his Venom had those wrist chains. From a distance I thought they were REALLY veiny arms like how Mark Bagley often drew them, but those are very visibly chains now that I got a closer look at them.

While it might be a bit unrefined, I still really like that Cap redesign. You've always had a good eye for making redesigns feel modern while keeping that classic appeal. It's a hard balance to nail, but you got it.

While schooling might be eating up a lot of your free time, you still managed to make some pretty terrific stuff here despite that. By the way, glad to hear that's going well for you so far and that you've got a good handle on it. Best of luck in the future!

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Yeah, without his ‘dragon’ symbol, Dylan looks almost indistinguishable from Eddie’s Venom.

I’m glad you like the Cap design! Good to know I found the balance between modern and classic, it’s something I always work to maintain.

Big thanks, my dude! It’s your support that helps me keep a handle on things—I really appreciate it!

Love the colors and expression on this!

pinepuffle responds:

thank you so much!

This such a niche idea, but you're so right for it. This image was completely inescapable in the Spider-Man fanbase in the mid 2000s. I swear I've seen it used on at least a couple fake Spider-Man 4 posters.

Nightmarefox1234 responds:

Indeed it has been :)
And yes people have used this for fake teasers. I remember the Carnage from Spider-Man 4 aka red venom

I am really loving your designs for the MK ladies.

Bielmegami responds:

Thanks ^^/

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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