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Recent Movie Reviews

52 Movie Reviews

great content

Fun fact: I actually had a sore throat while recording this, so those were 100% AUTHENTIC coughs.
Was a joy to be apart of this, thanks for letting me voice the rat again. The way you animated that little character I gave to represent me was also very slick.

fezbet responds:

i suppose that was good timing at the end! animating your character was real fun :)

Of all the segments in the Playstation collab, this one made me laugh the hardest.

Recent Game Reviews

35 Game Reviews

i dont remember saying that

Fuh fuh fuh fifty notifications?! Wow!

Thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this. I had a lot of fun making mine and even more fun seeing everyone else's cards. So many great artists were involved with this. And if that wasn't enough, the presentation and music just sweetens the deal.

Happy Balentines Day everybody.

Yendor responds:

Happy valentines day!

Really fun and cute game with some great music. My only complaint so far is that being unable adjust yourself on the chains leads to some tricky situations where you get trapped and have no choice but to fall.

Recent Audio Reviews

15 Audio Reviews

Hmm. Imitation jizz is a bit saltier sounding than the real thing.

As a big fan of SEGA Genesis music and Men at Work, I was so excited to see this on my feed. It does not disappoint. In particular, I'm loving the use of that sample from Starlight Zone, especially when repeating that main sax riff. Pretty good stuff here.

Why, it's the best sleep concept album since Mouth Dreams.

Two months of collaborating and hard work that was totally worth it. Great work from everyone involved, I'm yawning as I type this.

Recent Art Reviews

360 Art Reviews

Congrats on grads, huge accomplishment! May these next chapters of your life be just as fortuitous, if not even more so.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Thanks so much, my dude! Here's to many, many more.

Damn, bro was executed mid-sentence. Alas!
You already know I'm a big fan of how you drew Carrie, perfectly captured her attitude and personality with a fairly small canvas. The Drac shirt too, god. It's so good. Also, one of two OCs you've meant to draw? Color me interested in seeing the other. Thanks for taking my request.
Also, as a big King Kong fan, I'm thrilled to see you draw the big ape. Solid take on his look. It feels like a good mix of his Monsterverse and Peter Jackson designs.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Such a shame, but I guess that's what happens when you hold a gun to a guy's head.
I'm really glad you are, because she was an absolute pleasure to draw. I went back and forth on what to put on her shirt, since I knew I wanted it to be something funny yet gothic. All in all, capturing her character was a total blast, and it makes me so happy to know that you like how she turned out!

Whoa, I know that ninja! That's the Messenger from the hit game, "The Messenger!"

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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