
103 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Ikari is one of those characters I fell in love with solely due to his design and that love only grew the more I learned about him. Such a cool character. Combining his design with '90s DD's is brilliant, came out very nice. If they ever brought him back, I'd love to see him rocking a look similar to this. Not likely, but hey. These are comic books after all.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

That’s exactly how I felt! The more you see and learn about Ikari, the cooler he gets. I’m glad you like the combination, I’m proud of how it turned out.
He did actually show up again when Waid and Samnee did another short run on Daredevil in 2014! He only shows up briefly, but he’s just as good there as he was before. If ever given the chance, you better believe I’d bring him back in this costume.

I love all of the details in the background, so many nice touches. Great work!

Vladmir-Alekseya responds:

Thanks mate, i already know that i can't make something "wow ultra realistic, master blaster color and shading", so when i can't make a 10/10 art, i make the best i can do and put effort on the details.

It really is upsetting we didn't get to see these two more.

BitkadeJ responds:

I know right! You can't just introduce an awesome duo and not give them more episodes.. Dx>

I am loving the fuzzy accents on this design, it looks great.

TheMelloyMan responds:

Thank you! He was so fun to redesign :00

You made this character unironically really cool looking what the fuck

I love the scarred eye

HeartisttheArtist responds:

My goal with Sonichu art was to take the dumbest characters and make the art as good as I could. It enhanced the cursed aura.

Robots with extreme damage and scars are cool as hell. I’m glad you loved it!

This is definitely better than the majority of official redesigns that stray from the classic look, that's for sure. Does a solid job of mixing practicality with that classic look. I think a bit more orange would have helped it a lot. Maybe on the bicep guards, as I think that part could use some color. It'd also call back to the orange around that area on classic Taskmaster's design.

I honestly don't think orange and dark blue is a particularly odd color scheme, seeing as the two are fairly complementary colors. That combined with the splashes of white makes for a very striking and eye catching look. Which is fitting for the character, as he's definitely the type to show off.

If you can believe, Taskmaster actually predates Deathstroke. Both characters were also designed by George Pérez, which might explain the similarities in their costumes.

I really do like this redesign, though. Really liked hearing the thought process behind it too. Good work!

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Thank you so much for the honest feedback! I'm glad that you liked it, but I'm also really glad that you're willing to be honest and tell me how the design could be improved. I can't thank you enough for that, it's constructive feedback like this that helps me grow as an artist and lead to this redesign in the first place.

Maybe it's a matter of opinion? I think it's an odd colorscheme, but that doesn't mean it can't be used well. I fully agree with you that it's very striking and eye-catching. You wouldn't mistake Taskmaster for anyone else.

That makes a lot of sense, I can't believe I didn't know that! Now all the similarities make sense, the two share a lot of design DNA, not just in their costumes. Orange and dark blue, huge sword with a gold handle, mercenary with a sense of honor, weapon mastery, and other such things. How interesting to know!

I'm so happy to hear that. If you like art like this, and hearing the thought processes behind them, be sure to check out more of my art! Thank you so much, dude. Reading your review was an absolute treasure.

oh that Boyfriend looks downright evil

Edlus responds:

hes embodying rivers cuomo

ermmm, a bit freaky?

JimmyBiscuit responds:

Yes :)

Hah! Hey, this art really does look like that Tony Hawk guy. Was that intentional?

SuperPhil64 responds:

Haha it is! Just a reference to the fact that people not recognizing Tony Hawk's become a bit of an online meme.

This style is too cool! I love the colors especially.

eskititgay responds:

woah dude thanks!! :)

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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