
360 Art Reviews

103 w/ Responses

BANGER, super excited to see what you've got in store for this. I've always been kinda curious about what was going on with Vexle, if there was more to his story. Can't wait to learn more in 2024!

Xaloid responds:

Vexle and more will be unveiled! My only hope is to kick production into overdrive!

Big fan of this design! The recurring use of the star symbol, from the tattoo on her face to even her knee pads, is really cool and I also just love that mask. Great work!

What is she gonna do with that big bat? Gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better make it hurt. Better kill me in one shot.

These two seriously look super cute together and I just love the heart/mind theming in the first two images. They lead into that last picture so nicely.

You did a killer job capturing that mid 2000s gothic style and I could easily believe these were posted on DeviantArt back in like 2005.

Really digging the way you draw Sonic and Shadow, actually. They way you colored and shaded them is very pleasing. Their proportions are also very tricky to nail down, but you make it look so easy.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Thank you, I’m pretty happy with it myself! They’re built in a strange way, with really big hands and feet but skinny little limbs, and huge heads as well. I suppose drawing Sonichu in the past served as better practice than I thought…

"Monkey :D" - President Koopa, 1993

Great King of Evil Ganondorf absolutely spittin' guaranteed

SmoothE responds:

unfortunately, bowser clears him in this rap....

Just as before, I feel Hivemind is my fave for sure. The pose is simple, but still manages to say so much about the character with only a slight head tilt

HeartisttheArtist responds:

You’re not alone in that—Hivemind seems to be the breakout star of these Amalgam designs! I’m so glad you pointed out the head tilt in particular, that was something I included with big intention. It helps to make him feel more detached and inhuman, like when Michael Myers does it. Thrilled that you caught it!

I'm not even a huge X-fan or anything, but I'm seriously really digging your recent X-Men images. I really like the sheer variety of styles you got going on with them and they're all super charming.

dum-dum responds:

thank you!!

This really explains why he's got money, but not much.

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


Unabashed Sicko

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Ac

The Netherrealm

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