Ahh, yes, the crossover with the simultaneously little known but also infamous '90s Malibu run of Moon's Eye Saga. Thank goodness this happened before the storyline where Ninjiro hung up the mask and The Rival became the newer, edgier Ninjiro (I didn't even know that was a title that could be passed down) with more cyborg parts and a will to KILL. Unfortunately, it is after the issues where Twinjiro became an anti-hero and was promptly replaced with the much maligned Ninjicide.
Seriously, though, I remember being shown previews of this image and being over the moon. That hasn't changed, it's actually SO good. I'm honored to have Ninjiro AND Jennifer included here alongside other dope OCs, including that RONIN. I unironically kinda love that design. The chest symbol, reintegrating the blues, and just look at those pouches. The stark '90s comic shading was also done expertly on him, glorious work. The '90s gets a bad rap for comics, sometimes justifiably, but there was undeniably a lot of good stuff to come out of it too. This is now one of those things. Love it!