
7 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Fun fact: I actually had a sore throat while recording this, so those were 100% AUTHENTIC coughs.
Was a joy to be apart of this, thanks for letting me voice the rat again. The way you animated that little character I gave to represent me was also very slick.

fezbet responds:

i suppose that was good timing at the end! animating your character was real fun :)

guy who voiced the ratman could have used a better quality mic tbh

nah but seriously thanks for choosing me to voice act in this cartoon, it really came together quite nicely and i'm happy to be apart of it

fezbet responds:

thank you man, you did an awesome job!

video made me sick. google unsick how?

Yomuchan responds:

You could start by running into the Room of the Three Gargoyles. Push in the right tongue, and a door might lead you down a staircase and into the Wall Climb. Here, you must choose your next path. You could race up into the Observatory, spin the sundial, and pass into the Room of the Golden Idols. Once there, push down their bases to release the doors, lift up the treasure chest and climb down through it, or try to enter the Shrine of the Silver Monkey.

The choices are yours and yours alone. Good luck.

And you know, it's true. It's true what they say. Eddle is king, don't let the haters tell you otherwise. It can debated all day, but I know they're wrong. Three words. Eddle. Is. King. Changed my life.

Boss responds:

im so glad this piece has touched your life in a positive and meaningful way. thanks a lot for checking out a crazy, old spam flash video

I'm proud of us today. We accomplished something. I'm not sure what, but we sure accomplished it.

CrowdDoll responds:

Its masterpiece

i cried, then i came, then i cried again, then i came again, cried some more, and came one last time

that touched me in many special areas

Piconjo responds:

ogm, th4t is truly B3autiful..

plz, w4tch it aga1n for m0re tears & spl00j.

piconjo <3 j00

so riveting and dramatic

worth the 15 year gap between confessions

Piconjo responds:

I’m glad j00 <3d it!
Also, PICONJO <3 j00!

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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