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Fuh fuh fuh fifty notifications?! Wow!

Thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this. I had a lot of fun making mine and even more fun seeing everyone else's cards. So many great artists were involved with this. And if that wasn't enough, the presentation and music just sweetens the deal.

Happy Balentines Day everybody.

Yendor responds:

Happy valentines day!

bravo, buckley, you've done it again

UnculturedMutt responds:

Bravo, Vince

it's like i'm really watching a slayers movie! lina is there and naga is dead. why, i'd almost think kanzaka himself wrote this.

Broly responds:

Hajime Kanzaka actually did write the story for this, however rui didn't feel comfortable drawing naga dying though so he had me do the art for it

ermmm is that amy rose with her three arcs of hair??? hee hee im gonna faint.

WVDB responds:

Pink, three beautiful arches of hair and a huge hammer? No wonder she's a fan favorite! Zoo-wee-mama!

will olskoo ever truly rest?

DrunkGecko responds:

rest his balls on your lips

Wegra responds:

Legends never rest as they say

DrSevenSeizeMD responds:

Olskoo is pure, concentrated energy

KhaosKitsune617 responds:

olskoo is godlike

Anniemation responds:

Honestly during The Production i asked myself the same question he frequently pulled Really long allnighters to a point where i was getting worried
i dont know more myself

great concept for a game but my friend played it live on stream and it said the page for Jimboy's Tacos is longer than the page for the list of episodes for the Secret World of Alex Mack which is provably untrue.

i don't understand how that could have happened. if that can't be trusted, what can?

edit: you're awesome, thanks for updating!

Ludokultur responds:

Hey! Thank you for the feedback! Indeed the Wikipedia extracts seem to completely ignore tables, which explains why the episode list didn't have a lot of text according to the Wikipedia API result.

Anyways, I just updated the build to now consider the full source text length (in bytes), so this should be much more accurate. For your example it would be: 3,861 (Jimboy's Tacos) vs. 28,237 (List of Secret World of Alex Mack episodes)

Thanks again for playing and helping to improve the game! :)

This is a genuinely really impressive remake altogether. I like how it takes the original and makes it more like Pico's School. The graphics are appealing, the music is bangin', the writing is on-brand for Pico, the voice acting is hilarious, and it all comes together quite well.

All that being said, I do think that the gunplay is a bit iffy, particularly with the Boyfriend fight. I'm aiming and clicking, but the gun just doesn't fire sometimes. My other big grievance is that, maybe I'm stupid, but I'm not sure what to do when the dead kid comes flying in during the final boss. Do I shoot the kid or the helicopter thing he's hanging off of? I try either and the gun doesn't fire. Switch to shotgun and I'm still having the same problem. Do I avoid it? Not sure how I could.

Not that you're given much room to experiment since the lack of checkpoints makes things a bit rough. Dying on the final boss and being sent all the way back stings. I know the original didn't have checkpoints, but that was much shorter than this. Pico's School had checkpoints too. I don't think you need one after every boss or anything, but maybe one after you defeat Hoe-Joe and Hoe-Bear would be good.

Still, I do honestly think this is an awesome tribute to the original Pico vs Bear that just oozes with passion. Great stuff!

edit: literally figured that out JUST before you responded. I feel stupid lmao. still, that's ultimately pretty fair. shame about the gun firing being just a limit of the software the game's working with :(

Dungeonation responds:

Thanks for the feedback!
You have to shoot the flames out on the dead kid.
Also checkpoints were added in the form of lives, I didn’t wanna go TOO easy on people >:)
Also the firing stuff is a flash thing, it sucks :(

Truly, they were the Newgrounds BBS Awards Winners of 2021.

Little-Rena responds:

We were all winners

This was a fun little game. Has some cute visuals and it definitely got a few chuckles out of me. The use of ear bleeding royalty free music really adds to that sleazy influencer vibe too.

DFlimbingo responds:

Thank you so much!! The moment I started making the game I knew I needed to use as much obnoxious royalty free music as possible lol

Rockin' out with my clock out this Clock Day! Hopin everyone else is doing the same!

Also, if I knew these would have titles I would have said something funnier.

MetalDoom responds:

like you could ever say anything funny LOL

He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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