Here's a bunch of crazy doodles I drew for the whiteboard threads we've had this year on the NG forum. Been meaning to post some of these on my account somewhere.
Some of these might have unwarranted donguses, be warned!
I drew the convicted criminal here
When the imposter is SUS! I drew a JermaSus for all of the whiteboards since there were so many Among Us characters drawn in them.
THE Mortal Kombat 4 arcade cabinet Quan Chi
Just a Spider-Man and Venom. I remember spending ages trying to draw Venom's fat ass.
I drew the Goomba. Someone else got the reference and added the text. You'll also note the shitty Linkara I drew in the corner. (I'll fuckin get around to activatin' Windows sometime, honest!)
I drew BOOBA Pepe. Some based individual gave him neuron activation.
Some people were very angry with Dormammu's statement.
Greedy Evil Gremlin >:3
I drew Eggman and Metal Sonic (of course)
Another Convict but this one's been real messy.