He's colossal! Stupendous! One might even go so far as to say... he's mediocre!


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MetalDoom's News

Posted by MetalDoom - June 12th, 2023

Check it out check it out check it out, fanart for THIS guy:

There he is, middle of the top row! Man's ain't even got a name, but he's already got some cool art. Making this extra special is that this was drawn by @HeartisttheArtist, who is easily one of the best friends I've made here on Newgrounds. Appreciate you, brudda.

The Rival here is one of the few where I honestly wasn't thrilled with how his design came out, but seeing it drawn like this has given me a whole new perspective. Making the darker yellow armor into a metallic bronze was such a good choice on his part and the red pipelines being more obviously painted makes for quite a striking look. Definitely an unexpected choice, but I am thrilled with his inclusion. Now if only I could give him a name. Maybe something with a K. That feels like it'd fit, but I'll have to think on it more.

Either way, be sure to check out Heartist's account, he's a cool dude that makes great art. Maybe drop a follow while you're there too? If you like my OCs, then I'll bet you'll dig his even more!


Posted by MetalDoom - May 31st, 2023

Check it out check it out check it out @TheShokBlok drew Them

Genuinely grateful for this, it looks so good. Love their art a ton, so this is a huge honor. Got all the details down perfectly too, from the little cat ears on Ninjiro's mask to Jen's green eyes! Those green eyes only appeared in a single image, you'd really have to be paying attention to notice that.

Aaaaaaa, they're both so cute too! Love that they did an unmasked alt too, it's really hard to just not gush on and on about how much I like this. It's an unreal experience, didn't expect to be getting unsolicited fanart today... or ever, for that matter.

Be sure to check out their account, like I said before, I really love their art! Just a cool person too, I remember when they were taking free requests back on the BBS two different times and they went all out in doing my requests. Give 'em a follow while you're there too (assuming you already aren't, that is.)


Posted by MetalDoom - May 20th, 2023

Have you ever wanted to draw Jenny-- no? What do you mean, no? Fair enough, I guess.

If you ever change your mind, then you might end up thinking, "This crazy bitch is wearing a different shirt every time I see her! What could I possibly draw her wearing?" Here's just some of the fashionable graphic tees I've drawn her in, alongside some extra details for each of them.

Shirt 1:


First Appearance: Jen's Original Character Sheet

Referencing: Search & Destroy by Iggy and the Stooges

Ahh, yes, one of the first I came up with. I want try to avoid commentary on the images themselves since I could go on, but as you can see this drawing is really rough, especially seeing how her design has taken shape the more I've drawn her. Still, if you think this is terrible then you shoulda seen the original! Actually, no, you really shouldn't have.

This was one of the first songs that really made me think of the character. It's a high energy, tough sounding song, but it's also literally a cry for help. Designing this one was fun, that sort of pink mushroom cloud with the skull-like attributes. If you ever find yourself struggling to draw a shirt for Jen, just draw something skull related. Works every time.

Shirt 2:


First Appearance: Ninjiro's Casual Fit

Referencing: The Rat King

This was a fun one, completely out of left field to reference. I feel like Jen has never picked up a TMNT comic in her life (or any comic for that matter) so this is a design that's even lost on her. Literally just picked it up because she thought it looked cool. Not everything she wears has to be a music reference, but that's what I tend to default to since it gives me a lot of free reign for the designs.

Shirt 3:


First Appearance: Valentine's Day Special

Referencing: I Wanna Pierce My Brain by Rubber City Rebels

Again, skulls. Always fall back on skulls if you really got nothing else. I picked this one mainly because I thought I'd enjoy trying to visualize it. I did!

Shirt 4:


First Appearance: Differing Interpretations

Referencing: Bloodstains by Agent Orange

I think this was a last minute one, but the addition of the blood splatters elevates it above the text only shirts I often end up going with when I got nothing else. I actually think Jenny's favorite Agent Orange song is Living in Darkness, but Bloodstains makes for a more eye catching shirt.

Shirt 5:


First Appearance: Your Name: John Ninja

Referencing: Halloween II

This is the funniest fucking shirt I've ever given her and it's not even close. If you get it, then you get it. If not, then allow me to show you one of the most insane moments ever put to cinema.


I know I linked the scene above, but goddamn is the gif funny as hell. Yeah, though, this was an idea that had me laughing when I first thought of it. Maybe nobody else found it as humorous as I did, but I don't care. It's worth remembering that horror movies are also good inspirations for Jennifer's shirts.

Shirt 6:


First Appearance: Hat Swap

Referencing: Interested in Madness by Operatic

Ahh, the most recent one so far. If you asked Jen, she'd tell you that this is her and Ninji's song. You can draw your own conclusions on that one. This song, unlike the others seen here, isn't really punk, but I feel like this kind of alt rock works just as well for her. Some of the text only shirts have referenced other alt rock songs.

If nothing else, the major connecting piece is that all of the songs seen here today appeared in a Tony Hawk game, there's another source of inspiration for ya.

As an aside, I imagine that Jen and Carol have gotten into heated arguments over whether the demo or final version of this song is better. Jenny likes the demo more, feeling like the final song is too overproduced and loses a lot of the emotion of the original because of that. Conversely, Carol feels that the distortion of the final one better illustrates the feelings it's going for.

ANYWAY, that's all the shirts I've got right now. I've drawn her in a couple other different shirts, but they're usually just text on a blank background or have no design at all so I didn't really feel like going into them. All the same, thanks for reading.


Posted by MetalDoom - May 5th, 2023


holy fuck...


Posted by MetalDoom - April 28th, 2023

she bobbin on my fett til kenner bans my rocket launching feature



Posted by MetalDoom - April 18th, 2023

Y'know, I just realized that one of my leading OCs doesn't even have a bio because his concept art sheet was drawn so early. Back when I was still heavily revamping the character and his surrounding lore, so everything was essentially in limbo. Things have changed so much for him in such little time. For anybody curious, here's a bit more info on the guy.

Ninjiro is one of two protagonists in our story. Something of a ninja prodigy, especially for being only 22 years old, some might wonder what makes him such a skilled warrior. Surely it must be down to the training, right? Not quite, as he received similar training to everyone else in the Moon's Eye Clan. Could it be his great strength? While he is pretty toned, he's not exactly the strongest guy around. If nothing else, it must be due to his heroic fortitude and smarts. He has moments of cleverness for sure, but definitely not.

What really elevates Ninjiro is an ability known as "the Reflex." When he holds his index and middle finger in the air, that causes him to focus on his surroundings. While doing this, he can compulsively dodge and even parry any incoming attacks. The Reflex is a total mystery, even he doesn't know why he has it. The only thing known for sure is that he was born with it. While it does give him a major advantage, he's not completely invincible.

If he's taken by surprise or something throws off his focus, he cannot use the Reflex. If he could just receive more specialized training, then he might have the potential get to the point that he wouldn't even have to focus at all to use it. Unfortunately, this is training he is unlikely to receive anytime soon.

It was a quiet night when Ninjiro fled from his clan. Not only did this make an enemy of his sole friend, a loyal ninja clad in yellow, it also painted a target on his head. The rest of the Moon's Eye is now on the hunt for him, as Ninjiro's innate talent makes him far too valuable of an asset to lose.

He left them because he was troubled by their actions. The Moon's Eye partook in all kinds of criminal activity, from clandestine assassinations to working as bodyguards for some of the worst scum around. He yearned to use his abilities for something greater. The last straw came when he overheard Grandmaster Lunaeus speaking of some greater ambition, although it was nothing like what Ninji was hoping for. He didn't catch every detail, but he heard enough to understand that the master wished to use him as some kind of ultimate weapon. 

After he fled from the only home he'd ever known, Ninjiro would be completely alone... If not for a chance encounter with a girl named Jennifer Halton. He just so happened to be taking refuge outside of her apartment window when she spotted him. At first, Jen mistook him for a pervert and attempted to attack him. After a brief altercation, she could see that he was actually badly hurt from his escape. While at first he was only going to stay for just one night, Jenny offered to let him bunk with her for the foreseeable future after she realized he really had nothing else left.

It's unclear why she's has been so accommodating to a stranger who just appeared outside her window one night. It's even something that Ninjiro can't quite figure out. One thing he has noticed as he's stayed with her is that Jen is a solitary girl, not having any friends or contact with her family. She never even mentions said family either. Because of this, it's possible that she just appreciates the company. Or, perhaps, she can relate to the ninja on some level. As absurd as the idea sounds on paper, one thing they both definitely have in common is that they both seem to have secrets they want to hide.

For example: Ninjiro never removes his mask. One thing that was reinforced in the Moon's Eye was a lack of humanity amongst the lower ranks. Masks were to be worn almost at all times and most of the members didn't even have names, Ninjiro included. To further encourage blind devotion and servitude, you could only earn the right to a name by being promoted to a high enough rank. Not helping matters is the scars Ninjiro has running horizontally across the bridge of his nose and vertically across his left eye, something he feels a bit insecure about.

While Ninjiro's heart is usually in the right place, he's not without flaws. Ironically, many of his problems stem from the Reflex, as he is often far too reliant on it. If you asked him, he'd tell you that he's mastered it when he's really only scratched the surface of its potential. Not only that, but being told you're special your whole life tends to give a person a bit of an ego. While not a wholly vain egotist, he has a tendency to showboat and underestimate his foes. He's also impulsive, acting irrationally when his mind is set on something, even when it might not be the best idea.

Despite this, Ninji is still ultimately a good natured person, one that always tries to help the people around him. He is someone who, despite his many troubles, maintains a lighthearted and humorous attitude through it all.

He and Jen share an interesting relationship. Ninjiro not only gives her someone to share her interests with, but someone who's discovering them for the first time. Not only is she helping him adapt to a more average life, but he's helping her rediscover what its like to actually enjoy it. He even encourages her to be more open with others, while she gives him the human connection he was sorely missing before.

Lots to get into there, that's for sure. Maybe stuff I could have cut for brevity, stuff I definitely would have if this were going in an art description, but I wanted to delve further into Ninjiro since he's gone without a bio for so long. Really explain the circumstances that led him to this point and elaborate on his relationship with the other main character, Jen.

I have come to adore the dynamic I've been establishing for these two, if the absolute barrage of content featuring them hasn't made that plenty clear. It's easily my favorite aspect of my OCs. Granted, being able to do simple gag content featuring them probably helps that a fair bit too.

I've really leaned into the comedy aspect with most drawn content so far, because it's what my art "style" lends itself towards best. Posting this on NG definitely helps with that too, as I have consciously gone for that sort of mid-2000s Newgrounds flash content vibe. If this were any other website, who knows how different things might be...

Not worth dwelling on, I think this was the best possible outcome. I've said it before, but if NG ever gets a writing portal, then I might end up tilting things in a more serious direction with the actual written content. I do have plans and ideas for that, as I have hinted at and even shown in those pastebins I wrote awhile back. That's a big what if, though.

As an aside, I recently got 150 fans! Wow! Another milestone I never thought I'd get to, especially so quickly, but here we are. As always, I would like to thank everyone for the support, especially if you took the time to read this. Hope you're having a good day and that I'll see you around more often. Take care!

Posted by MetalDoom - April 12th, 2023

Bonus Alert:



Here's the two profile pics I drew up for Jenners in my last two art posts, now you can see all the details (including how I blatantly reused assets from the first one for the second because I'm lazy lmao). I could have just included them in the art posts themselves, but I forgot.



Posted by MetalDoom - April 7th, 2023




Posted by MetalDoom - March 28th, 2023

I suppose it has been awhile since the last real update. First of all, the general forum has died. As someone who was a regular for about a year or two, I honestly can't say I'm that sad to see it go. I met some fun people on there for sure, but as I talked about in my 2023 update, I just wasn't really vibing with the community anymore. Even after trying to give it another go around the beginning of this year, I still wasn't really feeling it like I used to. Something definitely changed.

Hell, just before it shut down, I was considering just not posting on there anymore and fading away to focus on my content/OCs. I'm thankful for the opportunities it gave me, though. Interacting with the community like that made me brave enough to post said content to my account, despite my lack of skills, resources, and general knowledge. I feel it's thanks to those interactions and collaborating with the users there that I've gotten 145 fans so far. Fact that I've got so many feels kinda criminal considering so many better artists struggle to get even a fraction of that, but I'm grateful for it. In spite of my dying interest in it, I'm ultimately glad for my experiences there.

Guess the decision to not post on there anymore was made for me, eh? I feel this was inevitable, as I think that Tom's probably been wanting to shut down the forums for awhile. Just a total waste of resources, bandwidth, and manpower that's better served elsewhere. Also, between you and me, I think he was kinda embarrassed of the little community that formed around it, which I can't really blame him for.

Is that it? Well, this sorta leads into the more important update. With the general forum dead and buried, you might see this account go under a bit of a rebrand at some point. I'm not sure what direction I want this rebrand to go in yet, but I feel a bit restricted by my current identity. I don't think I'll do anything as drastic as a rename, but maybe lighten up on the Metal Sonic theming at least. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but I don't want people to think that's all I'm about, y'know?

See, now I'm all about my OCs (mostly two of them). Speaking of which, what's next for them? I dunno, I don't really have like a huge plan or anything right now. I just make things as they come to mind. Nothing's really been grabbing me, making me think, "OH DAMN WHAT AN IDEA I MUST DRAW THAT NOOOOOOW."

The other day I noticed I surpassed last year's submissions count in just a fraction of the time, so I've been pretty active lately. Right now, I'm just chillin'. It's been nice taking a bit of a break, but more content is sure to come.

I love these characters a lot, more than I can really do them justice. Seeing people respond positively to them despite that has been so validating. Sincerely, I'd like to thank everyone for the support. I've even had some friends draw them entirely unprompted, which means a lot to me. I save every bit of art they get too.

All in all, that's the current update. At least as far as NG goes. If you're at all curious about how things are going for me outside of here, I'll just say that things are pretty good right now.

I feel like I say this every time I dump a metric ton of thoughts into one news post, but nobody's gonna read all of this lmao. Thanks if you do, though. Hope your day is going well.


Posted by MetalDoom - March 9th, 2023

One of the coolest parts of having a figure of your OC is being able to pose them with your other toys.










